World Wide Web of Media


With so many social networking sites at our fingertips, it can be difficult for some businesses to know which ones they need. The answer to that question is a bit of a moving target. A couple of years ago I helped a company create their social media presence and it did not include Instagram at all. Facebook and Linkedin were all they really needed at that time. That was merely a couple of years ago. Today, depending on your industry, you can kind of push Linkedin aside if you have a solid footing in Twitter. That is to say, you can have a Linkedin page but it doesn’t necessarily need all the bells and whistles. So many business contacts (important ones too) are now on Twitter that it’s a great resource. Add, that Twitter is easy to update, monitor and manage. It’s that perfect instant gratification we have all become accustomed to in the microwave age and businesses have made great use of it.

If you have a business that involves anything visual (retail, clothing, jewelry, etc.), a Pinterest account is a must.  In that same vein, if your business is a professional or business services type then a Pinterest account is not necessary. It may be fun and cool but not necessary. Ultimately there is no substitution currently for having at least a Facebook and Twitter page. In my opinion, Facebook is the best free advertising available and it keeps you connected with your customers for first hand reviews of what’s working and what’s not. Twitter is the best connection for business contacts. It’s a great tool for gaining exposure for your business without going through the extremely lengthy (by comparison) process of a Linkedin account.  Granted, nothing beats Linkedin if you are looking for a job or just launching a business. It gets the word out to a massive audience, and a good audience to boot.  But for promotions, events, etc., Facebook is the hands down winner.

Then there’s Instagram.  Instagram is the future of social networking and even it is basically a veteran at this point. Even though it’s mostly pictures, it allows a sort of novelty experience while still conveying valuable and entertaining information about your business. Vine is sort of Instagram’s cooler kid brother focusing almost entirely on 6 second videos that loop. It’s a fun way to engage customers but not really necessary for b2b industries.

In general, social media is headed toward a more visual presence in all mediums. Text is great but a picture is worth…well you know the rest. And in some instances video is worth even more. Oodles of platforms are merging their existing platforms with the ability to post pictures and now videos. The videos may be short but that just fits into our instant, hurry, hurry lifestyles.

I realize that I am in the social media industry and some in my field would argue that if it’s out there, get it! But the reality is, no business is successful when it wastes valuable time and resources in areas that are not integral to its success and growth.  Knowing where to spend your social marketing time and treasure is a wise investment in a marketing avenue that is only getting bigger.