Your Website Should Be As Good As Your Business.



What is your website? Is it a collection of words and pictures about your business? Is it an online advertisement for your business? Is it just a place for customers to find out how to contact you? Depending on who you ask it’s some or all of those things. The reality is, your website is you. It’s the part of you that everyone sees, sometimes before they ever even meet you. It allows customers, competitors, investors, etc, to see what you’re all about. How seriously and how professionally your business is run.

Imagine you are looking to buy a car. You go to X Car Dealership and when you walk in the floors are dirty, the receptionist speaks poorly and the salesman seems rushed. Then you go to Y Car Dealership and the floors are polished, the receptionist is welcoming and articulate and the salesman takes the time to make sure he is meeting your needs. Which dealership would get your business?

A website can be just a page on a screen that shows how much your product or service costs and how to find you if someone wants to buy from you. But it can also be a presence that bellows to visitors that you are the real deal. Anybody can put up a website nowadays. You don’t even have to have a legitimate business and you can still have a site that says you do. But often, the fly-by-night businesses don’t take the time to invest in their websites because to do so requires time and money. They are not in it for the long haul so they don’t need to invest that heavily in their web  presence. But you are the real deal. You believe your business, your skills, your products, are the best around. Tell your visitors that by investing in a quality website with polish, professional speech and the time and attention to detail that shows customers that you will show them that same level of professionalism.

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